Monday, February 27, 2012

The land of the Irish

I've never had such an abrupt contrast of culture than from Paris to Dublin. I went from the land of keep to yourself, no smiling or laughing allowed to the land of loud and friendly, lets have a spontaneous conversation with random Irish man on the street! I almost felt like I was in the south again, but with friendlier people..didn't know that was possible. The food, the beer, the people were all so warm and welcoming that I almost didn't want to leave. However, I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to study in France and I just have to remind myself its a culture thing... 
Any hoo... These shots pretty much sum up my experience in Ireland...Green. I have never seen so much moss in my entire life. One of my favorite quotes I heard while I was there was "The sun is always shining in Ireland, it's just shining behind the clouds." Needless to say, there was a lot of rain ...mist really, but also a lot of sunshine too. Overall I couldn't say nicer things about the city of Dublin, but the countryside simply won my heart. 

 Of course went on the Guinness tour and enjoyed our free pint in the High Gravity Bar...aka the best view of Dublin.

 And we made a day trip to the Cliffs of Moher...

It wasn't windy at all...

This weeks break was the perfect combination of big city and country, and knocked two things off my life bucket list... Coudn't be more excited for what my future travels has to offer. Next up? Barcelona, maybe Paris again, then London!


  1. Love! Those cliffs look like the ones out of Across the Universe! <3

  2. ah yes! I seriously was singing across the universe songs all through Ireland! One of my all time favs :)
